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Licence Massage Therapist

Carla Green, LMT, CLT

Carla received a Liberal Arts degree from the College of Central Florida in 2010 and graduated from the Florida School of Massage in 2011 from their Massage and Hydrotherapy program. She is a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) in the state of Maryland and Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork through the National Certification Board since 2011. She has worked in a variety of settings to include Holistic and Physical Therapy offices to chain and independent. She is certified in Swedish, Deep Tissue, Manual Lymphatic Drainage (Vodder Technique to include various multiple continuing education classes specific to the Lymphatic System), Pre-natal, Graston, cupping and Hot Stone. Her interest in this profession originated from bodywork she had received years prior and over time has appreciated its wide range of benefits. She has discovered that the art of listening is paramount in this profession and that overall emotional, mental and physical health can be further enhanced with bodywork. It is her true desire that everyone she meets is treated as a unique individual and that their session mirrors that individuality.


License Massage Therapist

Justin Green, LMT (Counter/Strain)

Completed his Massage and Hydrotherapy program from Florida School of Massage, in Gainesville Florida, in 2010. He has been Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork through National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork since 2010. He has been practicing Massage/Manual Therapy for over 12 years and most of that time was spent working with Chiropractors and Physical Therapists. Justin’s drive to continue his knowledge of manual therapy led him to meeting Mr. Tuckey and start taking Counter/Strain courses. He has taken many Continuing Educational courses since becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) but has found that none of them can compare to the benefits patients receive after Counter/Strain. He started his first Counter/Strain course in 2018 and has completed all of the current courses available. Prior to Massage School, he graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Arts and graduated from Mount St. Mary’s University with a Master of Science in Sports Management in 2018. In addition to his knowledge of massage and manual therapy, he has a background in exercise, both therapeutic and strength/conditioning. He has a CrossFit Level II Trainer Certificate and has been a Level I Trainer since 2011. One of Justin’s passions in life is health and fitness. He loves the fact that his career is focused on helping people feel better and reaching whatever health/fitness goals they are trying to achieve. This passion is also very important in his personal life and he has Counter/Strain to thank for helping him to be able to continue his health and fitness goals.


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